Phil Stracchino
2017-08-29 14:27:17 UTC
Solaris 11.3 installs Perl 5.12
(pkg://solaris/runtime/perl-***@5.12.5,5.11- I'd like
to update this to Perl 5.22, but when I try, I get the following:
asgard:root:~:5 # pkg install
Creating Plan (Checking for conflicting actions): \
pkg install: The requested change to the system attempts to install
multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/man' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/man target=5.22/man':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/man target=5.12/man':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/bin' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.22/bin':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.12/bin':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/pod' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.22/lib/pod':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.12/lib/pod':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
I've dug through document after document and I'm baffled as to how I
resolve this. Does anyone know a way to force the update?
(pkg://solaris/runtime/perl-***@5.12.5,5.11- I'd like
to update this to Perl 5.22, but when I try, I get the following:
asgard:root:~:5 # pkg install
Creating Plan (Checking for conflicting actions): \
pkg install: The requested change to the system attempts to install
multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/man' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/man target=5.22/man':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/man target=5.12/man':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/bin' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.22/bin':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/bin target=5.12/bin':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/perl5/pod' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link mediator=perl mediator-priority=vendor
mediator-version=5.22 path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.22/lib/pod':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/perl5/pod target=5.12/lib/pod':
These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may
be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed.
I've dug through document after document and I'm baffled as to how I
resolve this. Does anyone know a way to force the update?
Phil Stracchino
Babylon Communications
Landline: +1.603.293.8485
Mobile: +1.603.998.6958
rescue list -
Phil Stracchino
Babylon Communications
Landline: +1.603.293.8485
Mobile: +1.603.998.6958
rescue list -