[rescue] CHEEP: Panasonic CGR18650CR LiIon cells
Patrick Giagnocavo
2018-03-28 07:10:10 UTC
I have access to new stock of these:

Panasonic CGR 18650 CR LiIon cells
3.6V , 2250mAH

They should be useful for a number of tasks, including rebuilding old laptop batteries etc.

$3 each plus USPS shipping, which is cheaper than you can find them just about anywhere else.

Note: these are probably not "plug and play" - you need to know if they will fit your needs.

A guy I know did use about 72 of these to build a very cool electric bike - he bought the hub for his bike and a friend of his used an old car battery to make a spot-welder for the welding of the tabs on the battery pack. I can't help you with this, though :-)

Limit 8 per person. PayPal to Friends/Family (to avoid fees) preferred.

The datasheet on these is here:


Sorry, USA sales only (post office is wary of LiIon shipping)


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